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Leadership Styles (video)

In the latest episode of the Art and Science of Complex Sales podcast, Paul Fuller sits down with James Rores, Founder and CEO of Floriss…

How Much of the Problem is You?

When I work with C-level executives to address challenges related to growing revenue, profitability, and business value, my earliest conversations revolve around one overarching question:…

Do You Trust Your Salespeople?

Recently, I was helping a client come to terms with the difference between micromanaging and closely managing her team.  As the leader of her organization,…

Healthy vs. Unhealthy Motivation (video)

Does the carrot and stick approach to motivation really work? For many people, accountability is a negative thing because they’re used to the old carrot…

The Value Of The Chief Revenue Officer

In today’s competitive business environment, growth companies must be agile and adaptable to better serve their customers and stay ahead of their competition.  One of…

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