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Leadership Styles (video)

The Art & Science of Complex Sales Podcast

In the latest episode of the Art and Science of Complex Sales podcast, Paul Fuller sits down with James Rores, Founder and CEO of Floriss Group. During the conversation, James discussed the concept of applying servant leadership principles to sales. He shares how servant leadership can naturally create leaders who have the potential to drive growth in every organization as compared to power leadership that tends to create transactions that may make it harder to make the next sale.

Key Highlights include:

Servant Leadership – 3:20

What Differentiates Companies 11:10

What Drives A Negative Culture – 15:50

James also mentions that a leader’s insecurity can affect the entire organization and the best sales organizations are those that have established a functional growth culture driven by strong core values.

Tune in to this episode of the Art & Science of Complex Sales podcast to gather tips on how you can operate from a place of security and build a values-driven organization which can thrive!

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