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Speaking that delivers clarity, strategy and action.

We are passionate about elevating your leaders, people and systems.

James has a unique and frank approach developed over more than 28-years working with family businesses, mid-market companies, venture backed start-ups and divisions of large global enterprises. His keynotes, breakout sessions and facilitated workshops make James a valued partner in delivering new growth mindsets, leadership skillsets and predictive toolsets to executives and their most valued sales and customer-facing teams.

Contact us at to learn how James can help you overdeliver the goals of your next event or strategic working session.

You can also take advantage of a free trial to test the compatibility of our speaking programs with your organization, goals and business environment.

Some of the audiences who have benefited from our programs:

Global Inside Sales Association (AA-ISP)
Relā Leadership (CARE to Sell)
Innovation Tech Summit
Business First Speaker Series
Rev1 Ventures Workshop Series

CRM User Group Meeting
The Ohio Society of CPAs
American Negotiation Institute
Better Business Bureau
Corporate Sales Kickoffs

Corporate Lunch and Learns
Industry Trade Shows
Professional Associations
Executive Breakfast Series
Non-Profit Development Teams

Minds On (Podcast)
SalesFuel/Manage Smarter (Podcast)
200+ Business Radio Shows

“James is an incredible sales coach and mentor with natural business intuition. I have seen first-hand his ability to work with individuals at all levels to give them the confidence and skills to be true business development pros.”
Brad Martyn
Founder at FocusCFO

Popular Topics

Develop a Next Level Sales Team

Teach Your People to Take the Lead and Take Control of Growth

Sales is a game of probability, not a game of perfection. Are you doing everything you can to maximize your odds of collecting more WINS? Shadows in your sales process can hide the real reasons behind flat and unpredictable revenue growth, inconsistent margins, bloated pipelines, too many lost proposals or quotes, and the challenges preventing new sales team members from penetrating new markets and adding new customers. The good news? Most of these challenges are self-inflicted, which means they can also be prevented.

“James completely shifted the way we viewed growth for our company. His lesson’s where much further reaching than just how to grow sales, but rather WHY growth is important and how to develop a culture to sustain it.”
Jake Mendel
VP, Early Stage at Silicon Valley Bank

Sales as a Leadership Competency

Everyone Has Something to Sell. Anyone Can be a Growth Multiplier.

Everyone has something to sell, which means everyone in your organization can be a growth multiplier – whether you lead a sales team responsible for penetrating new markets and improving win rates; a marketing team responsible for aligning product-service, sales and customer experience strategies; or an IT team responsible for selling innovation initiatives to internal stakeholders. This session will deliver the clarity and confidence your people require to compete and win as growth multipliers.

“The sessions offered by James forced us to look at our services, product, and sales culture from a different perspective. His coaching style and sales methodologies apply to all industries and any size company.”
Todd Stratman
Business Intelligence, Analytics & Technology Consultant

Leading Your Sales Turnaround

Should You Upgrade or Replace Your Sales Force?

You’ve upgraded your operations, strategic systems, physical plant, product-service offering, website and marketing strategy. What about your sales force? Are your sales leaders, people, systems and culture optimized for growth? Where are the gaps? What options do you have? How much capital should you invest? What kind of return can you expect year-one? Where should you start? In this frank and unapologetic session, we will identify the invisible barriers that hold sales forces back from greatness and learn what to do about them.

“My light hearted nickname for James is “Yoda” due to his ability to coach the techniques required to harness one’s inner strengths. His creative strategies are respectful to individual selling styles and net desired outcomes.”
George Vadyak
Senior Vice President, Corporate and Federal Sales

How to Hire Growth Multipliers

Traditional Ways of Hiring Salespeople Simply Don’t Work Any More

Every marginal salesperson added to your sales team makes your business weaker. Like an eagle plucking feathers from its own wings as it tries to gain altitude, when hiring managers throw marginal new hires against the wall to see if one sticks, growth becomes more difficult and success becomes less predictable. Learn how to source, select and retain sales and customer-facing team members who CAN and WILL exceed your expectations within their first 90-days on the job.

“Your message was clear and well-received, and brilliantly tied together.”
James Gerdes
CEO, WebPresented

Impactful Customer Experience Initiatives

How CX Delivers Measurable Results That Drive Sales and Margins

Customer experience initiatives are critical elements of a complete go-to-market strategy, and most are expected to have a direct impact on sales and margins. Success requires customer experience professionals to have sophisticated insights into sales’ priorities, as well as metrics that align CX investments with desired sales behaviors and outcomes. Participants will use this session to gain an intimate understanding of which sales metrics customer experience initiatives impact and the levers that maximize their impact.

“Even seasoned sales professionals and leaders need re-calibration. You can begin applying James’ coaching to your customer engagements immediately. It really does make a difference in today’s highly-competitive landscape.”
Ron Minto
President, Rostrum Management Company

Selling Technology Innovation

Improve How IT Teams Sell Innovation to Internal Stakeholders

Innovation is a team sport. For meaningful initiatives to succeed, innovation teams must be built around the right roles and staffed by people who are competent in the tasks specified by each role. Often, one of the last competencies to be cultivated by innovation team members is sales; that is the ability to lead internal stakeholders to making a formal commit to change. In this context, “sales” is also a team sport. When innovation team members learn to practice sales as a leadership competency, they learn to take control of growth and lead internal stakeholders through the uncertainty and fear that can block important initiatives from taking hold.


your next win is only one week away

Let us run a thorough diagnostic on your current sales growth engine.

After a brief chat to understand your immediate roadblocks, we’ll deploy tools to uncover unnecessary costs and unique growth opportunities—from elevating struggling team members to filling your pipeline, closing more winnable deals and more.