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How the Rubik’s Cube Will Position Your Sales Team for Success

Although multiple routes might get you to a sale, sales is defined by one metric of success, closing the actual deal. It is similar to mastering a Rubik’s Cube. Cubers approach solving the 3D puzzle by memorizing around 300 algorithms and using pattern recognition to respond to what the cube presents. All of this is done with the objective of achieving one definition of success.

Sound familiar to anyone in sales? 

You prepare for a cold or warm conversation by mapping out the possible patterns you’ll encounter and how you’ll respond. For example, speedcubers can solve the Rubik’s Cube with 30 moves. This stat alone proves that you can practice and effectively apply pattern recognition to develop predictable and repeatable paths to success. 

There are many ways you can start a Rubik’s Cube, just as a sales process. Now, imagine starting this puzzle without the knowledge that you could get it done in 19 moves under four seconds. Without a predictable process in place, that accomplishment seems impossible. 

The same thing happens in sales. 

If you give a salesperson a proven sales process capable of delivering their fastest path to a successful buying decision, you enable them to see what more is possible. Then, you can teach them how to turn that process into shorter sales cycles, larger deal values, and higher win rates. All of this is possible when you start with a predictable pattern for success. 

No wonder sales organizations that commit to adopting a reliable sales process and methodology are able to double and triple year-over-year growth rates without adding a single salesperson. 

So, as you take the Rubik’s Cube analogy and run with it, the first question you need to ask yourself is how well your sales operating model communicates a predictable pattern of success to each member of your sales team. Falling back on only the skills and experiences of your individual contributors, hoping they can figure it out for themselves is an option, but not an option that can reliably take your sales team and revenue to the next level. 

Without the guidance of a unified sales operating model, 92%* of salespeople will stop before they reach their potential. 

With a unified sales operating model, every member of your sales team, managers included, will know EXACTLY where they are in each sales opportunity, what steps come next, and how close they are to success. 

And, returning to the Rubik’s Cube analogy, each member of your team will have the ability to refine and improve the process, shrink the number of required moves, and increase their probability of success.

Now, sales leaders can hire new team members to fit the reliable sales operating model they have developed, not just people who are great at sales. Have you ever hired a salesperson who was a top performer at one company but could not figure it out at your company? 

When you hire to ‘fit’ (not fix) your sales team, everything changes. When you have people in place who are unified around a common best practice, it becomes easier to introduce technology and training that improves each team member’s retention and execution. You no longer have to throw ideas against the wall to see what sticks. You’re able to remove the gamble from these important decisions and make sound investments with far greater confidence. 

Our system for delivering the process, methodology, and technology required to deliver on these promises, Collecting WINS, is designed specifically with this in mind. WINS can turn your toughest sales challenges into predictable patterns of success, allowing you to permanently change the sales game for each member of your team.

Every organization is different, so, at Floriss, we meet you where you are before making any recommendations. Then, we immediately tailor and share our best practices with your team to accelerate our impact and your return on investment. 

How do we know where to start? We leverage a simple diagnostic capable of answering three important questions in as little as one week:

  1. How much more effective can your sales team be (i.e., where are the gaps if any)?
  2. What areas of improvement will deliver the greatest returns (i.e., where is the low-hanging fruit)?
  3. Who will do the work and how long will it take (i.e., what is your fastest path to cash)?

Would a unified sales operating model adopted by every member of your sales team allow you to raise your revenue goals over the next 1-3 years? How close are you now? What would it take to close the gap? Continue the conversation with me on LinkedIn and check out what Floriss can bring to your organization. 

We look forward to connecting with you.


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